Episode 41
Write your PURPOSE in PEN, your PATH in PENCIL says Karenna Soto
"Entrepreneurship has been such a blessing in my life", says Karenna Soto, a coach to high performing women corporate leaders, right upfront in our chat. She wondered why she waited so long!
The path is not straight, but her love for her work, as she uncovers "layer after layer, like a butterfly comes out of its...", this was truly one of our most heartfelt conversations this season so far!
"Feeling is healing" is oft used, but how Karenna applied it in her life is worth a listen! Her journey, like all of ours, is unique. "Own your purpose" as she says throughout our very beautiful conversation!
You can find Karenna at:
On Instagram @karennasoto
Email at: coachkarenna@gmail.com
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