Episode 52

"STOP. DROP. EXPLORE." Guy Finley's exercise to help you overcome your anxiety!

Words like these and many, many more, in this one episode, abound!

I have watched/listened to this episode several times! You cannot escape how you FEEL.

Guy also says, "You will never feel financially secure. I don't care if you have 100 gazillion dollars. You will never feel financially secure. And you know why?

"Because there'll be days when you get a check, there'll be days when the account balances. There'll be days when money comes flowing in and you think God I've done it, this is fantastic.

"And then because life belongs to a cycle, a ceaseless change, the conditions will change. And because you have been identified with a certain modicum, a certain kind of home a certain kind of approval rating, because you're identified with that, the minute it's challenged, out the window goes your security, and then in that moment, please God, that it should be seen in that moment.

"I need to realize I have from my whole life and trying to acquire something that cannot be given to me by myself. Period."

This talk is replete with nuggets like these... So do listen carefully, and take notes!


(approx. 36:00) "You will never feel financially secure. I don't care if you have 100 gazillion dollars. You will never feel financially secure. And you know why?

"Because there'll be days when you get a check, there'll be days when the account balances. There'll be days when money comes flowing in and you think God I've done it, this is fantastic.

"And then because life belongs to a cycle, a ceaseless change, the conditions will change. And because you have been identified with a certain modicum, a certain kind of home a certain kind of approval rating, because you're identified with that, the minute it's challenged, out the window goes your security, and then in that moment, please God, that it should be seen in that moment.

"I need to realize I have from my whole life and trying to acquire something that cannot be given to me by myself. Period."

This talk is replete with nuggets like these...


High performers, ambitious leaders and high achievers often identify with their work or their business that, in their minds, determines their success.

And often, the primary success marker is making money/having a certain amount of wealth. And until then, they do not rest.

What does that lead to? Often, to:

❌ strained relationships with loved ones

❌ dis-ease showing up in health issues

❌ feeling of loss of any other purpose in life

❌ obsession with financial security to the exclusion of most everything

This conversation with Guy Finley is epic! It all comes down to our level of consciousness that determines the course of life!

Who is Guy, you ask?

Guy Finley is the bestselling author of more than 45 books and audio albums on self-realization, including "The Secret of Letting Go” and "The Essential Laws of Fearless Living." He is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit Center for Spiritual Discovery located in southern Oregon. Here is where you can find out all about him: https://www.guyfinley.org/about-guy-finley.html

We all need ways to overcome ourselves.

As Guy often says,

"There is no worse, nor more terrifying moment for those who are always in a hurry than to suddenly find themselves with nothing left to do"

The purpose of this talk is for you to:

✅ Become a little more conscious, so you are able to thrive in your relationships at home and at work

✅ Discover ways you can find more connection with yourself, and find a little space in your life for some spiritual work -- even at work, yes!

✅ Find enriching ways to be alive and therefore, more healthful and energetic

✅ Realize that you can actually achieve a lot more by being less obsessive

Guy talks about what any person, a businessman /woman, a homemaker, janitor, worker, all are pursuing meaningful lives.

It comes down to their level of CONSCIOUSNESS that determines what they feel inside of themselves as to their level of success.

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A podcast intended to inspire corporate professionals to express their true gifts through entrepreneurship!